There are lot of guns out there already. Most of them quietly collecting dust and ... if anybody asks... the answer from these dusty gun owners is 'No I don't have a gun.' In this blog, I'm not talking to folks who have them already -- whether you admit it or not.
As many guns as are out there, there are a lot of comfortable, college educated, middle class people out there as well. These folks don't have guns in their homes. They live in a nice safe bubble and have a 'that will never happen' attitude.
My concern is that bubble is likely to get popped. Something that is of particular concern to me is that these good folks do not realize what kind of shenanigans have been being built up under the guise of ideologies they sincerely believe in and support.
As such, I kinda worry for them. Because of the shenanigans of others, I know some good folks who have a target painted on them. A target they don't know or recognize because they're not allowed to notice.
Two points. First, I have friends across the political spectrum. Second, I have also moved away from the hardened echo chambers endemic to the coasts.
That last comment requires some explaining. That’s because most of the people I’m reaching out to live within a two hundred miles of the coast line.
To that end, let me say: Just because your lifestyle takes up all your time doesn't mean that's all there is to life. Something people on the coasts don't seem to realize is how easy it is to slip into an exclusive lifestyle that you don't have to deal with 'other perspectives.' The irony of this is it's arguably far, far worse in areas that pride themselves in their diversity.
Wait what?
This isn't a racial issue, although one can see an ideological divide that runs along similar lines. In fact, I'm going to use that example. In his documentary on racism in the UK Trevor Phillips mentioned a concept call "Sunset segregation"
I really like the idea because speaking of a complex and diverse urban area he mentions that people mix during the day, but then go home to 'their own' (by choice) at night. This allows them to maintain a distinct cultural/ethnic identity and comfort. They may work in diversity, but they live in self-imposed self-segregation. A self-segregation they actively work at achieving.
That can also apply to ideological echo chambers. You can either choose to isolate yourself among like minded people or you can have an echo chamber built around you while you’re busy doing something else -- like your career. (There are certain professions with political bias.
The more you self-segregate yourself along ideological lines, the less likely you are to realize that's what you're doing. This to the point you don't realize you're no longer leaving your 'ideological neighborhood.' It's a bit of fancy intellectual gymnastics to be parochial amongst millions
It is not until you spend time away from the coast (especially the urban corridors) that you realize exactly how much of an echo chamber those areas have become. Another shocking revelation is the pressure is to maintain isolation from other points of view there has been on you. (Le froggy has been boiled.)
Some other things you realize when you get out of the echo chamber that was built around you, are
1 - there really are other points of view,
2- that just because someone has a different point of view doesn't mean he/she is an ignorant, evil and rotten SOB,
3 - how some folks are using your 'good name' to hurt others,
4 - the growing anger against people with your 'label.'
5 - that maybe, just maybe you should start trying to ease some of the growing pressure.
I was raised a liberal and - quite frankly I still believe in values such as equality, freedom of speech, rights and breaking institutional abuses of those. (This is why I can have friends across the political spectrum.) But I've also seen enough 'good things go bad,' AND 'evil done under the name of good' to be cautious. With the folks that I'm about to tell you about, this gets me branded as a conservative, sexist, racist, privileged bigot oppressor.
Fortunately -- having been called worse (and more accurately I might add) by my mother -- I am thick skinned to name calling. (But share this around and see how much name calling there is.)
I'd like to warn my liberal friends that there's a lot of bad stuff being done to other folks under the name of liberalism. There are folks marching under that banner who are pissing off, taking other people's rights, twisting laws/policies, profiteering and flat out attacking others and claiming they are you. In a sense, this goes beyond just identity fraud. In some cases it's outright crime, violence and destruction, while screaming your name.
I identify these faux-peace, aggressive, totalitarians as 'progressives' -- not liberals But as I said, they're using your name to attack others. ("YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH ME? YOU &^%$#!!!! MY NAME IS _________.)
Here's the thing, the folks they're pissing off actually believe they are you. You can be moderate and mellow as you like, but the good name of liberal has been abused by those claiming to be you and representative of what you believe. A very good parallel is these folks are the liberals' version of the Westboro Baptist Church. They aren't you, but they're twisting what you believe and claiming they are you. Far worse, they're pushing towards violence.
It's a push that is likely to blow up. How I don't know. Too many variables to accurately predict.
But having been on the ground for a few riots and natural disasters, I can tell you how fast mobs can form and turn against you. More importantly I know how groups you thought you were sympatico with can go tribal -- and your narrow little ass ain't in that tribe. That especially applies to progressives turning against liberals. There are a lot of people who are more than happy to commit violence on their fellow citizens in the name of their ideology. (Look up ‘struggle sessions’ in the context of the Cultural Revolution.)
I'm very sorry to say, the pressure is growing.
This is why I'm saying liberals should seriously think about exercising their Second Amendment rights to own a gun. Not because you’re planning to be part of some glorious uprising against oppression, but to keep your home and loved ones safe in case that push towards violence gets out of hand.
As in, it comes to your neighborhood.